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Friday, August 19, 2011

Top muscle building program with secret rep range!

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Psssst... Hey, you! Here's a question for you: Do you have a plan?
This is a crucial question to ask yourself, especially if you have a fitness goal in mind—which I assume you do! Having a goal is great, but having a goal and a plan to achieve it would be even better.
I'm here to get serious about helping you reach your goals with one of many plans from my huge library of training and nutrition articles such as 101 Superfoods, hundreds of Healthy desserts, and seemingly endless supply of Self improvement books that cater to every goal. I'll be also your training coach by providing you with a workout plan—complete with nutrition and supplementation recommendations—to guide you toward fitness success.

In high school, I was always an extreme ectomorph. I could eat anything and not put on weight, or so I thought. I was always fascinated with bodybuilding but lacked the motivation to start training hard until after my final year of school and exams were completed – it was time for a lifestyle change. I was ridiculously thin, people always commented on how skinny I was and I hated it. I was always known as the skinny kid. After My HSC, it was the holidays, I went clubbing every weekend and always noticed whenever a jacked dude walked by they had an aura about them. The guys respect them and the girls are all over them and I really wanted that!

At the time, my brother was training for a year and I was very impressed by his abs, so I started doing press ups and sit ups everyday and built a bit of muscle. A couple months after I got a gym membership and started lifting some weights but I still had absolutely no idea about anything gym-related, I was squatting in the smith-machine! it took months and months of research and many trial and error workouts, to learn what to do and how to go about my training and eating to best promote muscle growth.

I quickly googled all I could to find out about nutrition and what programs to use and after 4 years I felt I finally knew what I was doing. I blew up, I loved the attention, girls were all over me and everybody in the gym kept staring at me. I had finally made it in life and now i'm here to share with you exactly what I found out through all my countless hours of searching for the best plan and the best diet. The photo of me to the right shows my current progress after 5 years of gyming, my current stats are 6'3 and 260 pounds at 8% body fat. 

This program isn’t just for the true beginner who has never touched a weight before; it’s also suitable for anyone who has taken an extended leave from training. How long has it been since you went to the gym regularly? Six months? A year? Five years? No worries: My  routine will get you back on track in no time! If you put in the effort!!

My program promises to be a real fatbeater and you will get a ripped, lean physique in as little as three months. While these results are very possible, they are relative to where you are before beginning the program. If you begin the program with only a small amount of body fat to lose and just need to lean up a little, this will most certainly leave you with a leaner, ripped physique. If you begin the program with a higher body fat percentage and extra weight to lose, it may take two to three cycles of this mass builder to reach your goals. You will see vast improvement after each 12 week cycle where you can expect a 10-15lb lean muscle gain but in order to reach a lean, ripped physique, you will need to first burn the extra fat off that is hiding the muscles underneath and the exercises I have compiled reach those stubborn areas such as the stomach to really burn that excess fat off you. With this Fatbeater program and if your nutrition is on point, you really can expect to pack on muscle.

 Why not give it a go, what have you got to lose? 

    Instant Muscle Mass Quick

 Don't have gym equipment or can't afford a membership?

Feel free to leave any comments or ask any questions below.

Check out my other reviews!!
10 minute fat burner

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